
A leading edge company with many years of experience in the drill guide area for automobile, aerospace and other industries, we offer you our know how to respond to your requests.

With our technical department, a work shop equipped with varied machines, on site heat treatment, coating and surface treatments we can provide you with quality products in time.

Certified ISO 9001, we are proud of the quality and the traceability of our tools.

Our continual research improves the lifetime of your tools, allowing us to offer new solutions in order to optimize your productivity.

Please contact us for more information and put us to the test.


Fabricant Français depuis plus de 30 ans, SES s’affirme comme votre partenaire idéal pour la fourniture de tous vos éléments spéciaux de moules.

Besoins d’éjecteurs, de tubulaires, d’obturateurs, de broches ou d’empreintes, nous vous proposons une prestation complète et de qualité au meilleur coût.