SFOB Group : the non-standard tools specialist 

The Société de Fabrication d’Outillage de la Brie (SFOB), first focused on the cold forging sector in the early 1970s, was, at the end of the decade, due to the growing demand for cylindricaltools, to the origin of the creation of the Société des Etablissements Sercer (SES). Still with the idea of diversifying its activities, the 1980s were marked by the creation of SFOB Pharma (Powder compression expert) and by the takeover of Mille company , allowing drilling guides to be added to the range of the Group’s offer. Today, on the strength of its experience and know-how, the SFOB Group, recognized in sectors as diverse as the automobile, aeronautics, pharmaceuticals, chemical industry, armaments and plastics, collaborates with the most demanding industrial players on increasingly complex and precise tools.



Fabricant Français depuis plus de 30 ans, SES s’affirme comme votre partenaire idéal pour la fourniture de tous vos éléments spéciaux de moules.

Besoins d’éjecteurs, de tubulaires, d’obturateurs, de broches ou d’empreintes, nous vous proposons une prestation complète et de qualité au meilleur coût.